Umair — You’ve got it just right about the accelerating pace in the last stages of collapse. This is a very necessary warning, and I agree that things will probably happen very fast.
You’ve put too much emphasis on Trump in this narrative. Trump may well lose to Biden, and this won’t do anything to stop the descent into fascism. It may grease the wheels, by making the people more complacent. Remember that Clinton did things that Bush I couldn’t get away with (NAFTA, shutting down welfare) and Obama did things Bush II couldn’t get away with (prosecuting whistleblowers, expanding wars). The people will accept martial law from Biden much more easily than from Trump.
One more thing: Plrease don’t repeat the canard about Russia controlling our elections. It is Americans who steal American elections. Electronic manipulation of the vote has been rampant since 2002. Karl Rove engineered the nuts and bolts, but the DNC used the same techniques to steal the 2016 primary from Sanders.